5 mini meditations for everyday scenarios, with Canadian Living Magazine

I was thrilled to be able to share an excerpt from Inhale. Exhale. Repeat book alongside some of my favourite mini meditations for every day scenarios with Canadian Living magazine recently. I hope you enjoy the tips and can experiment with adding meditation into your daily life too.

‘Meditate more, stress less — easier said than done, right? We could all use a little meditation in our lives, but when do we find the time to simply sit and be? Research shows that meditation is good for the body and the brain, but it can be intimidating if you don’t know where to begin.

The good news is you can do it any time and anywhere. With this in mind, we turned to two meditation teachers to share mini mindfulness meditations for everyday scenarios, from your morning shower to your end-of-the-workday commute.’

You can read the feature here – 5 mini meditations for everyday scenarios

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