A 20 Minute Guided Meditation For Anxiety

Looking for a 20 Minute Guided Meditation For Anxiety and stress? Today I’m sharing a recording from my Livestream meditation and mindfulness class that I hope you’ll love.

(first published November 2021, updated January 2023 with added resources)

This 20 minute meditation for anxiety starts with you sitting down nice and easy practicing a few gentle breaths.

It’s important to be patient in the first part of your meditation. So often guided meditation involve many different instructions and mindfulness activities, but sometimes what we need most from our guided meditation is time pause and be quiet.

I hope this class can be an opportunity to be quiet and permission to just stop for a moment. You don’t need to stop your thoughts or quickly change how you feel in your body, everything’s allowed to come and go.

Guided Meditation – 20 minutes

If You Worry You Suffer Twice

Worrying is an unpleasant habit of thinking many of us experience from time to time. I used to think that if I stopped worrying I wouldn’t be able to keep on top of things or make sure everything went ok. But what an illusion that is!

In reality worry thoughts simply lead us in circles, squander our time and deplete our inner cellular and creative resources. 

Researchers of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) suggest that when your brain feels it is living in a frightful world (based on the way you’re interpreting what’s happening in your life) it communicates this alarming message to the rest of your bodies cells: ‘Ready yourself body, it’s not good out here!’ (That’s literally what your brain is saying to the other cells in your body when you’re worried or fretful.)

The body then responds by producing stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline to help you survive the threat. And whether you’re being chased by a tiger, the taxman or the imagined fear of either of those, when the stress pathway is activated, regenerative cell building and repair processes as well as the immune system are dialled down. Not at all helpful right? 

But just think how good you could feel and how much spare time you’d have if you worried even just a little bit less? After all, sometimes the things you worry about never come true and other times the very thing you fear ends up being the start of something good. Truly, there’s no telling what gems life has in store for you in the next few moments, let alone the next few years. And so with this idea to hand, we’d all do well then to draw a line somewhere between a healthy sense of responsibility and concern for our affairs, and worrying so much you wear your body out and miss the miracle of life right before your eyes. 

Guided Meditation and Anxiety

Keep an eye out for worry thoughts and when you spot one affirm to yourself:

‘If I worry I’ll suffer twice’

And then bring yourself back to paying attention to whatever it is you’re doing practically in that moment.

Wellbeing Step By Step

It’s not always easy to stop fretting. After all there is such a lot to worry about in the world. Yet, with a little patience and support we can each do our best to promote positive patterns of thinking in ourselves and those close to us. Wellbeing lives on a spectrum that we move around on throughout life. Wherever you find yourself on the Wellbeing spectrum today, I think it’s always worthwhile remembering that small steps can make a big difference. What’s more, it’s always good to acknowledge positive changes when you see them — no matter how big or small. Both in yourself and in others.

Guided Meditation

A 20 Minute Meditation Class You Can Do Anytime
Via Youtube

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