A 5 Minute Meditation For Anxiety and Stress You Can Do Anywhere

Here’s a little 5 minute meditation for anxiety and stress you can do anywhere – ok, maybe not everywhere, but it’s perfect for a day working at your desk, or maybe even while commuting on the train or when you take a coffee break between tasks.

Meditation, that’s to say becoming focused and still, is a great way to help anxiety and stress but also to help boost creativity and improve your energy.

A helpful analogy is to think of meditation as way of closing all those extra tabs that might be open on your computer. And by clearing your browser you free up your energy and get a fresh perspective.

In this short video I’m reading from my book ‘Inhale. Exhale. Repeat’ about a desk based lunchtime meditation you can do if you feel overwhelmed, stressed or anxious.

It really does work wonders so do give it a go! Via Youtube

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