Finding Peace In A Frantic World

Inside each one of us is a great silence

and that silence is always calling us back to itself.

Of course it doesn’t always feel that way because life can be so loud, can’t it? It’s noisy out there in the world, with it’s constant conversation and activities. And it’s busy inside of us too, with all our emotions, thoughts and internal chatter.

But there are moments when a great silence interrupts our busy day-to-day life. A silence that stops you in your tracks and carries you back in an instant to whatever it is that matters most. A beautiful tree catches your eye as you walk down to the station, or you see a fine picture on the wall in the cafe on your lunch break, or the scent of midnight in the air as you head home late one evening is a small wonder.

These little moments of silence and beauty are spontaneous and they catch you by surprise. And while you can’t hurry or force them, there are one or two ways to make them more likely, ways to make yourself silence prone. Maybe you’ve found some already?

‘The world is too much with us; late and soon, getting and spending, we lay waste our powers’

William Wordsworth

Leave Room For Silence

Something I notice is that the more still, attentive and calm I can be on the inside, the more I am unoccupied (in my mind), the more likely I am to be available to those moments of silence or beauty when they pop by to say hello.

Here are 7 past times that seem to make me a little more silence prone.

  1. Meditating ( relaxing, learning to be quiet, and listening)
  2. Doing a little yoga
  3. Looking at works of art or reading a lovely poem
  4. Tending plants or flowers
  5. Time spent walking in nature
  6. Looking out of cafe or train windows
  7. Being on the beach or swimming in the ocean ( * sighs wistfully! 🌴)

Where are you and what are you doing – or not doing, when silence pops in? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

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