Get Into Mindfulness Meditation For Creativity And Swap Small Self Doubt For Big Self Energy

A little advanced mindfulness philosophy and 5 practical day to day tips to improve creativity

Wherever you spend your time and however you express yourself day-to-day, I believe we are all creative and cultivating that creativity can be excellent for our wellbeing. Todays advanced meditation post is here to help you get into mindfulness meditation for creativity and swap small self doubt for big self energy. Let’s get into it!

If you ever feel stuck or blocked when you come to make something new or bring one of your dreams to fruition, you aren’t alone. We all experience blocks in creative flow at one point or another and the good news is there are lots of wonderful antidotes to try!

Some creative mindfulness tips are practical, for example: Take a walk in nature, or visit a gallery for a little inspiration. And others are more philosophical, offering a new way of looking at things to help get your creative river flowing freely again.

An idea that has helped me over the years is to think of creativity as something we do with either our small self or our big self. Now, in reality there’s just one self and so this isn’t a perfect way of describing it, but just for today let’s think about it like that as we explore a new way to apply mindfulness and meditation to creativity.

The Small Self

The small self has desires and fears surrounding its creations (and pretty much everything else.) It’s very me, me, me – always wondering what it can get from a situation or how it will benefit. It’s also responsible for self doubt and the self referential chatter that happens in our minds all day long.

The calling card of the small self is fear. For example:

‘I need this creation to happen in a certain way and according to my timeline.’
‘What if I’m terrible at this? What if I make a fool of myself or it comes to nothing?’
‘What if I’m rejected or people don’t approve?’
‘Am I being indulgent or selfish? Am I too old or young? Should I do this or that?’

You’ve probably come across the small self before, right? 

The Big Self

Ok so I think perhaps we’ve said enough now about the small self for us to be able to recognise what we’re talking about. The big self on the other hand — well, the big self DGAD (doesn’t mind what happens.) The big self being synonymous with The Universe, consciousness or awareness, etc. The big self is SO big it encompasses everything. It knows everything, It knows everyone (because it is everyone.) It is everywhere and in everything. Forever.  Truly, the vast, spacious enormity of the big self knows no boundaries, no limits and no insecurities.  The calling card of the big self is love, and it reveals its desires in the moment.

Whereas the small self is prone to doubt, the need to force and control, overthinking and insecurity, the big self doesn’t really mind what happens or how things go.  It just loves creativity for it’s own sake. It doesn’t really mind what happens to your art or what people think of you. It doesn’t mind if you have to get a side job to fund your art or if you get paid plenty. It doesn’t mind if you write a rubbish song or a good song — or no songs. It doesn’t mind if you go independent or with an agent or label. That doesn’t mean to say you shouldn’t be creative or pursue your interests. The big self loves to create, it’s just not attached to outcomes in the same way the small self is. It has a much broader view.

I found this observation a bit difficult to swallow at first. Surely, I thought, the big self – the universe, the great what is — well, surely it has preferences. Maybe even a 5 year plan? But no, I don’t think it does.  If the universe does have a plan, it’s what’s happening right now. The great work? The great work doesn’t need to be brought forth. The great work is, and is and is.

Get Into Mindfulness Meditation For Creativity And Swap Small Self Doubt For Big Self Energy

Holistic Creativity

Take a look around, this is it. Splendid right? So much of everything. Such a lot happening as we speak. Every story that could possibly be told. Every life circumstance, every musical note, every brush stroke, every passionate kiss, every break up and every new business. And it all just happens, like that. Effortlessly thrown into being with each ‘revolution of Existence’s skirt / Whose folds contain other worlds, as poet Daniel Ladinksy says. 

The big self is benevolent and works or creates on behalf of the whole, in a way that’s of benefit to the whole. And so when you feel inspired or enthusiastic about something, that’s the big self encouraging you to give it a go. The big self just loves to give it a go! Children, animals and plants demonstrate this lovely innocent expression. It is radiant, frank and usually a pleasure to be around. When we are at our most expansive we’re in a good place from which to create with the big self.  When we are expansive we are more likely to conceive of ourselves from the perspective of the whole, rather than from a fragmented, separate small self perspective.

How lovely then to make it a habit to do those things that liberate us from small self fears and hang ups. (For example, Meditation, free moments, walking in nature, gratitude) To be free to express our creativity generously. So that whatever it is that wells up within is allowed to flow up and out, unfettered and fresh. The small self can then take a collaborative role, working together with and in the service of the bigger self. And as we create like this we find ourselves moving in unison with the entire universe.

Hmm… How lovely!

What do you think of all this big self / small self talk? It’s quite an absolute or advanced approach to looking at this topic, but one I hope you’ll find interesting. I’d love to know what you’ve found while enjoying your creativity. Do leave a comment below as I love to hear from you. There’s lot’s more to share on this topic so do subscribe to the newsletter if you’d like to keep in touch and keep learning together.

5 Ways To Get Into Mindfulness Meditation For Creativity And Swap Small Self Doubt For Big Self Energy

  1. Do it for its own sake. Do it because it’s fun.
  2. Notice that when you’re engaged in making, creating or practicing, you are in touch with the spirit of life itself. Yay! Life’s creative energy is truly moving through you!
  3. Feeling blocked? Sit still, pause and wait. When you’re free and unoccupied new ideas can pop in more easily!
  4. Don’t let the inner pessimist get you down. Recognise negative self talk and put it in it’s place. Keep a notebook with positive affirmations or things people have said about you in it. 
  5. Keep being a beginner and enjoy childlike play

Get Into Mindfulness Meditation For Creativity And Swap Small Self Doubt V’s Big Self Energy

Nothing moves more
splendidly than the moon
in the lakes mirror.
Schooning like a yacht
at leisure across the
cool glossy surface of
the earth

A small poem and a shell I painted while at the beach in Malaga, Spain.

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